Reliable Sheds Aussie Shed Advice
Before you make a decision on what shed you want, it helps to take a step back and think about a few simple things that can either make or break your original decision. Please consider the following suggestions before purchasing your new shed.
1. Measure the area
It may seem like a given, however some people simply estimate space with their eyes. We recommend measuring the area where you plan to erect your shed. Be sure to identify any potential obstructions that may arise, such as under ground piping or overhanging trees. This should allow you either resolve any potential issues yourself, or get an expert in to remedy the situation, before you build.
2. Decide on the sheds purpose
Deciding what you plan on storing, or deciding what purpose is for the shed for ahead of time can save headaches in the future. This exercise will help give you a better idea of the size of shed you will require, along with any additional features that may need to be included, such as power, windows, lighting, ventilation and security.
3. Think Big
One of the biggest complaints we hear from existing customers is that they didn’t buy big enough in the beginning. Most likely you will collect possessions over time, and many of these things may end up in your storage shed. With this in mind, we recommend thinking big. So if you have the space available for a larger shed model, then it may be a smarter move utilising that additional space from the beginning. You should also consider how storage works inside the shed, and consider the addition of shelving so to avoid wasted space inside your new shed.
Other Considerations
In addition to the above steps, we have identified a few other recommendations to think about and be prepared for.
* Erect your shed on flat and level ground. Make sure it is level. If you would prefer to avoid time consuming groundwork, then you should consider purchasing a floor framing kit to ensure a strong and level foundation.
* Avoid erecting a shed on low lying ground. Water can pool in low lying areas, so be sure not to build in areas where this is evident, as this could lead to the shed getting flooded and the contents inside getting damaged / destroyed.
* Consider the environment and surrounding areas where you plan to erect the shed. Think about how visible it will be in your section, choose a colour option and design that is aesthetically pleasing and doesn’t interfere with the surrounding area in an unsightly way, as this may affect neighbors and potentially your resale value in the future.
* Allow for space and door openings at the front of the shed. This is helpful for moving items in and out of the storage, as ignoring this can lead to headache in the future should you wish to store something larger that requires more space.
* Check with your local council/shire to make sure you are abiding to local regulations or restrictions for your area. Violating council regulations can be a costly exercise, so make sure you are not violating any of them. For example, some areas have limitations on the height of your building, how far it can be from the edge of the property and the colours it’s allowed to be painted.
* Take time to think about the additional extras you may need. For example, personal access doors for getting in and out of garages easier, where the drainage leads to and how to deal with it. You may want to install a water tank, or connect it to an existing one.
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our friendly team who should be able to assist you with your purchase.